What to do in an emergency or crisis.

As a family , companion, friend or acquaintance.

If someone you care about or know, has suffered a rape, or is in crisis, the first thing to do is the following:

  • Take her to a safe place
  • Evaluate their physical state
  • No to doubt her
  • Listen if she wants to talk
  • No judge, no blame, or silence her
  • If allowed, give a sincere hug.
  • ZAAFRO call +52 (81)  17697069 and request support online.


The survivor does not know how to deal with the situation, is highly sensitive and responsive to the tone of voice, gestures and body language that indicates rejection to her.

It is very important to support her at all times, and NEVER leave her alone.

Decisions should be made by her but it is our responsibility, to accompany her on the path that she will take from now on.



You probably think you’re alone, no one will believe you and nothing will ever be the same. Your life was destroyed, there is no turning back and nothing will ever be the same. Someone stole everything from you, your self esteem, your will, your dreams, your desire to live.

For a while you may think that is true, and is no lie that your life just changed completely, like you just enter another world which did not know existed, full of loneliness, disappointment, distrust, sadness, without light or hope.

When you are a survivor, you know that ‘s hard for anyone to understand how we see life now, we have many fears, so much to heal because we have too many wounds, we start again from scratch. But do not despair, you need time to recover, first of all remember that no one took anything from you, no one can steal your dreams.

Women survivors around the world, can say to you that is not true, there is always hope but we need to surround ourselves with people that help us see that world full of colors, which now seems to have disappeared.

Remember that in the decisions of your life you’re the only one who makes them, what happened to you was not your fault, but it’s your responsibility the road you will take from now on.

You will not always find support, probably not even from the people who you love and trust the most, but remember you’re not alone in Foundacion Irene Rodriguez we want to help you so please contact us, that’s why ZAAFIRO exists, here you will be heard and we will attend your case.

4 thoughts on “Frequent Questions”

  1. De niña mi primo abusaba de mi, me acariciaba y me besaba el cuello y los labios. nunca abuso de mi pero ahora tengo 23 años y aun va a mi casa a visitar a mi familia, quisiera desquitarme que la vida le pague lo que me hiso. a mi familia nunca l conte porque obvio no me creerian. ya no quiero que vaya a mi casa ya no. lo odio y de verdad espero que la vida le pague lo que me lastimo en mi infancia. hoy soy una mujer que trabaja y que acabo una carrera pero el aun va a mi casa y es muy incomodo.

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