Culture of Legality

The Archdiocesan Commission for the Laity of the Archdiocese of Monterrey and MUCD (Mexico United Against Crime) AC organized the 1st Meeting for the Laity Faith and Life congruence with the theme Culture of Legality and Community Empowerment. This event took place on 25 and 26 January as part of the initiative Hagamoslo Bien.

At the meeting were called Lay Coordinators, Leaders and Group Leaders of Pastoral of the Archdiocese of Monterrey, aiming at providing participants with the elements that promote the acquisition of knowledge, changing attitudes and developing skills for their participation voluntary in promoting the Culture of Legality in and from the Parish Community appropriating public space.

60 participants attended at the premises of the House of the Knights of Columbus in Monterrey Nuevo Leon, among them attended the Episcopal Vicar for the Laity of the Archdiocese of Monterrey, Fr. Gerardo María Mayela González Farias, Pbro. Rubén Limón Jiménez and Fr. Ivan Narvik Garza Salinas. Had outstanding participation Father Ivan Narvik in his lecture on the social commitment of the laity, indicating that all pastoral should have a social dimension, meanwhile Irene Rodriguez from Zaafiro AC and Consuelo Bañuelos from Promocion de Paz ABP showed the importance of social engagement of faith in assisting victims of sexual crimes and vulnerable persons and prisoners respectively.

During the weekend participants shared testimonies to strengthen the commitment of the Laity of Monterrey in building a society where peace prevails, justice, legality and security.

For the realization of the meeting was for the collaboration of Ana Lorena Garduño, Gloria Yadira Salas Lidia Idalia Hinojosa, Rita Isabel Gutiérrez, María Febronia Bautista, Karla Nohemi López, Alejandro Ortiz, Maria Auristela Salinas, Manuela Soledad Zapata and José Antonio Hernández, Facilitators on Culture of Legality accredited by Mexico Unido Contra la Delincuencia A.C.

Mrs. Josefina Ricaño Nava, President of Mexico United Against Crime, shared with the audience his witness that led to this association, to encouraging them not to allow violence and insecurity take over the city. Tere Venguer, Director of Culture of Legality and Rafael Ibarra, Coordinator of Education of this association also presented at different moments of the meeting by thanking the participation of each of them as an important step in building the Culture of Legality from all social areas in Nuevo Leon.

We appreciate the invaluable collaboration of Beatriz Ramos Naibi León, facilitator of Mexico United Against Crime AC who trained and guided the other facilitators.

The encounter leaves some compromises among which include civic action projects, recovery of public space beautification social environment, aid to families with hospitalized family and food aid to poor families.

It will be in April that a meeting be held to monitor the social actions of pastoral workers. Until then we hope to have good results.

– See more at:,-Fe-y-Vida–n6329i0.html#sthash.7c3a8Hbu.dpuf

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